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Drawing a blank these school holidays? 10 ideas to keep the kids entertained this Easter
7 months ago
Drawing a blank these school holidays? 10 ideas to keep the kids entertained this Easter

It feels like we’ve just packed up the Christmas decorations and stopped humming Christmas tunes when suddenly the supermarket shelves start filling with hot cross buns and Easter eggs. And with looming Easter celebrations comes the sometimes-daunting arrival of even more school holidays. For parents, this often means plotting ways to keep the kids entertained while juggling work commitments or simply searching for fresh ideas for holiday fun. Before you hit Google for inspiration, read on for ten of our best educational, engaging, and just plain entertaining ideas.

 Go backyard camping

For some, planning a camping trip with kids is a feat too great – there’s the endless snack supplies, favourite toys to remember, and first aid kit you’ll inevitably need. For an easy alternative, set up camp at your place. It’ll eliminate any packing-associated stress, and the band-aids, sunscreen, and comfy bed to retire to will all be on hand if you need them. You’ll still have all the excitement of getting out of the usual routine and can turn the hordes of excess Easter chocolate into some delicious s’mores.

A backyard camping.


Explore local events
From Easter shows to live sports games, art galleries, kid-friendly theatre, and so much more, we’re fortunate to have plenty of organised entertainment at our fingertips. These can be costly, so pick something your family loves – like AFL, the Australian Grand Prix, the AucklandSydneyBrisbane or Perth Easter Showand make a day (or night) of it.

 Make hot cross buns with a twist Task the kids with baking homemade hot cross buns, and crown yourself MasterChef judge for the day. It makes for an engaging, educational (and tasty) activity. It’ll bring out their competitive sides, and if they’re old enough, you can leave them to it – you’ll just need to make an appearance when judging is required. For something more traditional, read our Fun Easter Traditions to Hop on Into, or follow our 8 Tips for an Egg-Citement-Filled Easter.

 Entertain with a side of education
Keeping the kids entertained and providing valuable learning experiences is a cinch when visiting one of the many museums and zoos dotted across Australia and New Zealand. Many of our museums have free entry (which you can check here), and while zoos always have an entry fee, more often than not, this goes back into supporting and funding wildlife projects.

Happy children feeding kangaroo at zoo.

Discover science that’s good enough to eat
Who doesn’t love a little science at home? And what could be better than one the kids (and you) can eat? Explore crystal making with DIY rock candy, help them create their own solar-powered oven s’mores – with simple supplies like a pizza box and aluminium foil – and impress their teacher with their understanding of the Fibonacci Sequence with this layered lemonade.

Have a clay kinda day Arts and crafts are a staple school holiday activity, but for something a little different, get your kid’s hands dirty with some clay. Clay is easy and inexpensive to buy from your local arts and crafts shop (or you can even pick up air dry clay from Kmart), it’s easy to use, and best of all, once they’ve finished shaping their Easter-inspired creations, painting them is an activity for another day!

Create the great garden Easter Olympics Transform your backyard into a mini-Easter-inspired Olympic arena with kid-friendly events like egg shot put, hop-like-a-bunny sprints, and a good old-fashioned egg and spoon race. Get them involved in creating and decorating homemade medals to celebrate their athletic prowess, and don’t forget the ceremony!

Have fun with friends School holidays don’t need to be jam-packed with excursions and parent-led entertainment; it can be as simple as inviting one of their friends over for some free play or organising to meet at a local playground with a picnic. School holidays are a fantastic opportunity for often-needed downtime; low-key activities like this will tick the box. Best of all, parents will often reciprocate and have your little darling over another day.

Declutter with purpose
A less common school holiday activity, especially around Easter time, is to give thanks, give back to others, and volunteer. Doing this teaches kids valuable lessons: being grateful for what they have and being kind to others. Encourage them to sort through their room for toys, games, clothing, or other items that can be donated, or to help you clear out the pantry of unopened items that a food bank will appreciate.

Bake for good Hot cross buns aside, baking is one of those classic school holiday activities loved by kids and parents alike. These Easter holidays, get them to put on that apron for good and help raise funds for charities like The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal with a bake sale. Put the word out to local parents – it’ll give them a much-appreciated opportunity to get out of the house with their kids!

Happy family in the kitchen preparing the hot cross bun dough.

Above all, make it fun

There are many wonderful ways to entertain the kids during these school holidays; it doesn’t have to break the bank either. There’s plenty of fun to be had at home, an abundance of organised events to choose from, and some valuable learning experiences to be had along the way. And don’t forget the holidays aren’t just for kids – plan something you can enjoy together as a family too!


First National Real Estate wishes you a Happy Easter and safe school holidays!


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